La Bella Donna

History is Beautiful

Come Rediscover History

"Study the past if you would define the future." - Emerson

La Bella Donna Historical

History renewed, revived, rediscovered… relived.

My name is Gigi and I am a sociologist (BS), environmental scientist (MS), living historian, costumer, storyteller, traveler, and dabblist. I live on the Salish Sea in the Pacific Northwest. 

I write about Italian History + People of Color (POC) + Living History + Costuming + Travel +  Historical Beauty here on my blog, and other places… shown below! In addition, I am a lover of wine, sharing my research, dressing up in silk, and RV adventures with my husband and cane corso, Zoe.

Maybe you want to know more about me, learn about my upcoming events, or read some of my posts… No matter why you came, here are some links for you to visit. I recommend starting at the top and working your way down 😉

Sono una sociologa americana che studia l’abbigliamento storico italiano e i suoi accessori, oltre alla farmacia antica. Studio anche Caterina Sforza e le donne italiane del quattrocento /cinquecento. Mi interessano le liste degli abiti bollati, i libri mastri di bottega, le ricette delle farmacie, i testamenti, le doti, le lettere di donne, i libri dei morti, e così come scarpe o vestiti antichi ancora esistenti.

Before you go… know that you’re welcome to come back and persue this site that I’ve had since 2009. I’m so glad you stopped by to visit my little niche on the web. This site showcases my endeavors in researching and recreating the arts, skills, sciences, sociology, and philosophies of the Italian peninsula (1300-1600). It also serves as a repository for my findings, travels, ideas, projects, and revelations. What good, really, would all my work be for if I keep the fruits to myself?